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SUP Melbourne Inc.

SUP Melbourne Skills Session

Sun, 27 Feb 2022
08:00 - 10:00

Sharon Bourke is back for our financial members to run another skills session. Ultimately our attendees can determine what additional skills they'd like to learn to be more proficient on their boards.

Some intermediate skills will include moving backwards and forwards on the board, different turning techniques, and improving paddle strokes. Bring your requests with what you'd like to learn!

This is free for SUP Melbourne Financial Members.

Tickets are first in, first served. Tickets are limited to a maximum of 30 members.

Ticket Type Price
SUP Melbourne Skills Session SUP Melbourne Skills Session $0.00 Sale Ended
Middle Brighton Beach, in front of Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Brighton Baths, Brighton VIC 3186, Australia

Victoria, Australia

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